Jul 26, 2010

Like Father Like Son

Tyler Ryan

Ryan Scott

Tyler Ryan

Holding Daddy's hand just minutes old.
We are so grateful my mom is here, she is the best help and such a support.

Ryan is such a help, he is the best Dad. He loves his little guy and Ty loves being with Ryan.

Here is my little boy. He is an absolute joy. I will blog about the whole experience later, I am exhausted, this is the first time I've been on the computer. But wanted to show everyone pictures.

Jul 18, 2010

He Is Here!

At 5:55 p.m. on Saturday, July 17th, baby "Tyler" has arrived. He weighs 8 lbs 1 oz, is 20.5 inches long, and was delivered by c-section. As you might know, Michelle went in for an induction on Thursday night. She was given Cervidil all night long, and put on pitocin all day Friday, but the contractions would not come. Friday night we began the Cervidil again, and continued with Pitocin for most of the day on Saturday. By 4:00 p.m. we decided to call it and go for the c-section.

We later found out that the baby was "sunny-side up" and stuck in the birth canal. If you take a good look, you can see he has a pretty good sized "cone head." I'm sure Michelle will want to blog much more on this, but I wanted to send out the update.

Jul 15, 2010

Meeting our Son!!!

Tomorrow we'll meet our son and I can't wait! Yesterday I had my last appt. and my doctor said that we'll go forward in with an induction starting tonight. My baby is big and just getting bigger and he wants to make sure he'll come out. The baby is in position and full term.

Tonight I go in to start and tomorrow morning at 7AM they'll start me on pitocin, if I don't naturally go into labor with the hormones they'll give me tonight.

Wish us luck! Sunday we'll be coming home with our baby. I can't believe it and I can't wait!

Jul 9, 2010

Statue of Liberty

It was awesome to be on the pedestal and see the view of NYC

This is the original torch

July 4th weekend we went to New York and saw the Statue of Liberty. It was nice to be able to go there on such a time as Independence Day.

We also visted Manhattan again and went to Brooklyn. We (well, I) wanted original Brooklyn pizza... that was a mistake. Once we arrived we walked about 5 blocks before Ryan decided we needed to turn around because it was so unsafe. Before we got back on the subway I really needed to use the restroom. We didn't recognize many places, except for a KFC. We figured that would be safe. I went into the bathroom and quickly came out (without using it b/c it looked like it had never been cleaned) and at the same time Ryan said, "We need to get out of here!" and then whispered, "Look at the cash register!!" The entire front of the restaurant where you order was shielded by a bullet proof glass, with a slot to pass money through and a speaker to speak to the one taking the order (just like you would see at a bank).
Ryan kept saying all the way to the Subway... "at a KFC! We need to get out of here." Luckily we made it to the Subway unharmed.
When we were on the Subway headed to Brooklyn we asked a girl next to us where a good place was to eat Pizza in Brooklyn. She quickly responded, "I don't know, I am a Manhattan girl and not from Brooklyn." I really didn't know what that meant... but now, I do.