Apr 15, 2011


I love that little face of his. He is becoming more interactive and developing more of a relationship with us. At dinner time if we don't get him to sit up at the table with us, he lets us know. Lately, he likes anything on a big spoon and nothing from his baby spoon.

He loves his mommy. It makes it hard when your baby cries when you leave the room, but, it is also the most wonderful feeling knowing that there is no one like Mommy!

Funny Faces: The other day I was just having one of those days. I went for a walk to calm down and think. While snapping Ty into his stroller I pinched my fingers and at the moment, that was the it. I began to cry right there in front of Tyler. He looked up at me and his face got brighter and his smile got wider until he started to giggle. He thought I was making a funny face at him, he didn't know I was sad. I love that my little boy can help wipe my tears, even when he is just my little baby.
Our little family. We are living with my parents right now. We are so fortunate being able to be here while we save some money, but at the same time we struggle with not having "us" time with the three of us. Although, when we get the time, it is the best thing in the world. Tomorrow we get to go to the Zoo and tonight we are going to walk the city!

These are my two favorite faces. Ryan is such a good Daddy. He loves to play with Tyler and he longs to help him find happiness. Ryan is doing awesome at his job. They have already had to have a meeting at his work to evaluate how many temps to hire so they can keep up with Ryan and all the changes he is brining to the company. You go, Ryan! Keep it up. I am so proud of you!

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